
Last night, a great group of parents came together to discuss how best to handle the strike. The conclusion, and the slogan, is PT Parents: Willing to Wait. We all quickly came to the conclusion that best way to defuse the power of the Union is to allow them to take the days they feel they need without showing any further emotion or concern. Soon they will be required to return to school WITHOUT a contract and with only a few more days they may legally strike. We as community are willing to wait this out because contrary to popular belief we do not have a blank check book, because we refuse to be a victim of bully tactics and lies, because we believe in our board to represent our interests, because we believe many teachers do not really support this strike and will return to the classroom and conduct themselves in a professional manner, and most importantly because we are an awesome community. Stay calm, go about your business and know that this will soon be over and we can be proud we didn't cave to the ridiculous demands. We are willing to wait!#ptwillingtowait written by: Eric Tabor