Janine Lutz 0

PTSD Memorial Wall

228 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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228 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We the People of the United States of America Petition The United States Congress to construct a PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Memorial Wall We ask that every service man and woman that served our country and as a result of that service came back diagnosed with PTSD and died be memorialized. We do not want their service to this country be forgotten. The loss of our Veteran’s lives once they are released from their service is now epidemic. We need to bring light to these 4 letters. The effects of PTSD is now taking more lives here at home then lives lost on the battle field. It is their experiences on the battle field and the images that are forever seared in their minds that have forever changed these men and woman. It is their selfless acts at war time that have moved their own hand to end their own suffering. We need to bring Awareness to PTSD and not let it be silenced. There is no shame in PTSD and its existence must be brought to the forefront. We ask that you construct these walls and give these men and woman the Honor & Respect they so deserve.

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