Petition to Reinstate Educational Programs at PS 3

It has come to our attention that the 1st grade Gifted and Talented class and Kindergarten-CTT (Collaborative Teaching Team) class, two vital programs at The William T. Davis School/PS 31R will no longer be available to our children this Fall per DOE decisions. When this was announced at the PTA meeting on Monday, June 16th, not only was there disbelief but an expression of controlled outrage from parents. According to sources, the school was informed without any warning or discussion with parents, teachers or administration. How can a decision of this magnitude be executed with a June 20th deadline without any input from the schoolâs community We, the undersigned, are concerned members of the PS 31 community who urge our leaders to act now by: â¢Bridging the Kindergarten and 1st grade G&T program so there will be enough children to continue the three year program. â¢Reinstate the Kindergarten-Collaborative Teaching Team class â¢Do not add another 12-1-1 class