Provo's Lake District
We out here on the
“westside” have great qualities and character. We have a lot to
offer Provo and a lot they could learn from us. Words mean something and names can convey meaning. We can work together
and build a good reputation for our little part of Provo. When
people think of our area, I want them to wish that they could live here with us :)
Recently it was
presented to me to designate a name to the “westside” for a more
appealing idea about the area. Provo’s Lake District or The Lake
District. This would include and connect all of our neighborhoods
(Lakewood, Sunset, Provo Bay, Fort Utah, Lakeview South, Lakeview
North) and the major roads and amenities (Lakeview Parkway, Lakeshore
Drive, Utah Lake State Park, and more to come). We could set a
standard for what we believe our community out here stands for.
If you would like to see our area designated as Provo's Lake District, please sign.
Beth Alligood, SW Area Chair