Provision of Adequate Funding for Global Health Opportunities at The University of Toledo

Global Health is an important component to medical education. In an increasingly diverse United States patient population, the need to understand and interact with those from various ethnic, racial, religious, sexual orientation, and socio-economic backgrounds is even more crucial. Global health opportunities increase medical students' knowledge about other life histories that differ from our own. This understanding can increase our level of empathy for others which can be applied to improving all physician-patient relationships. Although not all medical students will take advantage of global health experiences, all medical students should have the option to participate in international health experiences regardless of financial abilities. It is imperative for the University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences to establish a separate and dedicated funding source for all Global Health initiatives. We the undersigned request that The University of Toledo provide adequate funding to the Global Health Program such that it continues to grow and provide opportunities for Medical Students to travel abroad as well as assist those medical students with financial need by defraying partial or total cost associated with the global health opportunity.