Provider Advisory Council Proposal
This is a proposal for the creation of a council of Primary One Health providers, who will serve to represent our voices at the administrative decision-making level. This council is intended to allow providers to be more involved in the decision making that affects our workload, day-to-day patient and personnel management, and special projects. We believe that creating an opportunity for providers to become involved in these processes will increase job satisfaction, overall happiness, loyalty to the organization, and provider buy-in, as our organization continues to grow and evolve. We are committed to our patients and the work we do, and this will allow us the opportunity to shape the evolution of our work.
Though many specifics (e.g., structure of group, number of provider representatives, etc.) remain undecided, we are committed to ensuring that, should this group be formed, there will be equitable and thoughtful representation of ALL of our organization's providers. Although we intend to work closely with administration, it is important to note that our representatives will be chosen by providers, not the administrative staff.
We are requesting your support with your signature below regarding this petition. Should we receive ample support, this proposal will be presented to Charleta after the provider meeting on 8/29/18, as we have been offered an opportunity to meet with Charleta to discuss concerns. We feel that the creation of a council of providers will offer a venue for which specific concerns can be addressed, such as quality improvement measures, patient load, etc. We are hopeful for your support, but should we be unable to gather a significant number of signatures, please be assured that your anonymity will be protected.