Reevaluate and Scrap off CAT 2009
There are lots of ambiguity and imbalance in CAT 2009 result out by Prometric and IIMs. A lot of students have suffered due to their illogical way of calculating and using Psychological Testing pattern and result. There are student who have never performed well in other exams or Mocks, scoring >95 %tile and there are who were expecting >95%tile getting 50 or 60%tile. Many sincere students have not performed and far worse than other exam like xat, cat last year ..... etc There are certain gen vine concerns Following Questions need to be asked to the pro metric People - How have they normalized the scores . - What Basis have they used to compare the difficulty level of different days? - What has been the marking scheme and negative marking? - If there was differential marking or weight age why were we not told about it. In business we know what shall be the cost of our disc-ion. - Now that they have declared the result why can’t they give the slot wise questions with answer ( If they want to show complete transparency ) I am saying this all this not because of a low score but I am completely dissatisfied with it and want to know where I have gone wrong. We want IIMs and ProMetric to bring some transparency in their CAT 2009 result. They should come up with the raw marks for every individual and complete process of calculating %tile.