Fraz if you want my real name, just email me. 0

Protect the Vampires!Stop Haemavore Discrimination

50 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Fraz if you want my real name, just email me. 0 Comments
50 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Ok, I know that most of you don't think they exist, well your wrong. They are infact Haemavores, they are simply sufferers of a rare genetic virus. I have written a theory on this. Read it first, then sign this if you want fair treatment for all beings. here is my theory, it is the part called: "Vampires Are Haemaores. I have a perfectly logical, and scientific explanation for their existence today." and it is signed by ~Fraz~ aka, myself. now that you've read that, hopefully I may slightly have changed your views, they are not evil, not gothic, and don't live in coffins! they're genetically modified human beings with unique DNA structures. FOrget what you've been told by stories and fiction, this is FACT! rock solid evidence! and evidence doesn't lie! So this petition is basically asking you to sign if you think that these most wonderful people who we call "vampires" should be treated with the utmost respect and understanding. For too long has the Nosferatu hidden from humanity, for too long has Chiroptera worn dentures! for too long have we been violent towards the unknown! Superstitious humans have hunted and tortured the Vampire species for centuries, ignorantly! they are NOT evil! we are for harming them if we do! Sign this to help save innocent Vampires from cruelty, and to help them become understood by humanity.

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