Protect the Innocence of children worldwide

A childhood free of abuse, neglect and violence is a universal right. No child deserves to live in fear or constant abuse of any form. We see no reason why we as citizens of the world and indeed our governments cannot do more to protect children and teens. Research figures indicate that everyday at least 4 children are reported dead or injured from abuse in the home or elsewhere. The numbers double in Africa and Asia where labor and sex slavery are at their highest numbers. Our campaign is one of peace. We want our governments to pay more attention the safety of children and teens. We cannot wait for the next tragic news story to break to do something. Our fight for society's most vulnerable starts now. We therefore request Presidents, Governors and state and local Legislators to put more protective measures in place to fight child and teen abuse in the home, child slavery and trafficking. We are confident that our governments who have proven themselves adept at protecting citizens and officials will find the time and money to protect children and teens better. This petition will be mailed [in snail and emal format] to State and Federal legislators by September 30, 2012. If you support our efforts at protecting child innocence, please add your signature below: