This petition is about microchipping(RFID IMPLANTS) pedophiles prior to being released as part of their probation. So they can no longer slip between the cracks. It's about protecting our innocent children from these heartless monsters that prey on them. If we can micro chip our pets to keep them safe why can't we start keeping our children safe . This country spends so much money on housing and rehabilitation of these monsters why can't it go into keeping track of them. So many of them get out of jail and never register or register homeless. They are required to give a DNA swab but there is no way of finding them. They basicly go ghost and when their DNA matches another crime, they are nowhere to be found. So RFID is the absolute safest and smartest thing tax payers could do with them , It is the answer, not only to keep track of them ,But also a way to detour them from doing it again..PLEASE COME AND LIKE OUR PAGE ON FACBOOK, SHARE IDEAS, FEELINGS , EXPERIENCE. . ALL IS APPRECIATED IT'S CALLED (PROTECT OUR CHILDREN!!