Protect Florida School Employees and Dependents

Please encourage passage of proposed legislation by State Senator Mike Fasano of Pasco County, the President Pro Tempore of the Florida State Senate. Senator Fasano's legislation will prohibit the release of personal indentifying information about the health coverage of Florida's school systems' employees and their dependents. Here's the text of Sen. Fasano's proposed legislation: Pub. Rec./School Employee I.D./Health & Benefits; Exempts from public records requirements personal identifying information regarding the health and benefit coverage of public school employees, including employees of charter schools, charter technical career centers, the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind, the Florida Virtual School, and developmental research schools. Provides for future legislative review and repeal of the exemption under the OGSR Act, etc. A link is also available to the right. As either a Florida school system employee or concerned advocate, by siging this petition, you are supporting this legislation and the protection of this sort of information from being in the public domain. students/parents, NOBODY should just be able to ask for our home addresses and get them! Florida school system employees, their spouses, and their children MUST be protected. Please support this petition and send it to everyone in your address book. In addition, please click the 2nd link to the right and locate your local representatives. Contact them TODAY and express your support for protecting Florida school employees and their families!