
工程界「維護公平選舉制度」聯署聲明 我們是工程界專業人士, 對於政府在未有諮詢公眾的情况下,提出「填補立法會出缺議席的安排」,廢除補選,並強行倉促立法,深感不安。儘管我們各自對政制發展可能有不同立場,但維持一套公平選舉制度,是讓市民自由表達多元意見的必要條件。我們認為政府的建議,違反專業人士「公正持平」的核心價值。 這套草案一旦實施,將會: 1. 剝奪市民的投票權及補選時的參選權; 2. 無法公平公正地反映選民意願。 因此,我們要求政府撤回草案,進行全面諮詢。 我們同時要求代表工程界的何鍾泰議員,切實反映工程界維護公平選舉的立場,不能因政府施壓而放棄專業核心價值,違背公眾利益。 歡迎工程界人士聯署,請登入http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/protectfairelection2/ A Joint Statement by the Engineering Profession in support of Fair Electoral System As professionals from the engineering sector, we are deeply disturbed by the government’s proposal on Legco by-election arrangements and its stated wish to push through the relevant bill without public consultation. Even though each of us may hold different views on political development, we are convinced that maintaining a fair electoral system is an essential pre-requisite for all citizens to express their views freely in a plural society. We believe the government’s proposal is in violation of the principle of “fairness and balance” – core values deeply treasured by professionals. If implemented, this proposal: 1. will take away people’s voting rights and their right to stand as candidates in by-elections; 2. will be unable to fairly reflect voters’ preferences. We therefore request that the government withdraws the current proposal and commences a full consultation. We also demand that Dr Raymond Ho, Legco member of the Engineering sector, upholds engineers’ stance in support of fair election, and not to abandon professional core values or act against public interest in the face of government pressure. Engineers are invited to sign this joint statement by clicking http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/protectfairelection2/