Protect Coheelee Creek

It has recently been brought to my attention that the trash dumpsters in Hilton, Georgia have been relocated to Coheelee Creek Park. I am completely appalled that a location such as this, which has been touted as an attraction in Early County and is listed on the National Historic Register, has been chosen as the location for people to dump their garbage. It's bad enough that citizens find the need to spray paint obscenities on the covered bridge itself, and now trouble-makers are presented with yet another way to deface this beautiful historic site. I cannot comprehend how anyone could have come up with this idea, and it's even more shocking that enough people agreed with the plan in order to bring it to fruition. Coheelee Creek Park should be protected by the citizens and officials of Early County, not used as a place to collect trash. I propose that the dumpsters located at Coheelee Creek be moved to a more suitable location.