Large Businesses Trying to Keep Small Businesses from Growing!

NOTICE: The U.S. Small Business Administration has proposed to increase the size standards on Professional Services businesses (NAICS Sector 54). Large companies are using their leverage and PR spin tactics to try to convince people that small business will be harmed by increasing the size limits. In fact, the “comment period” that the SBA proposed was mysteriously extended just days before it was set to expire. Another odd coincidence – hundreds of letters that were the exact same came in to the SBA just days before the period ended – all in favor or NOT increasing the limits. Here’s what happened: There are several large lobbying groups and associations that are dominated and controlled by LARGE companies. These companies simply told their members to write in and used their connections to have dates extended. Small businesses don’t have access to this type of activity, and it’s sad that again large corporations are controlling the game. The current size limit is too small and has not been adjusted in many years. It’s hurting our ability to compete as a small business as inflation, healthcare, wages, and other costs have risen across the board. If you do account for inflation, the current cap would be approximately 300% higher than what it is now. Question: HOW CAN THERE BE NO INCREASE IN THE SIZE LIMIT for over 12 years? Haven’t costs gone up across the board since that time? Answer: The large companies that have all the lobbying $$$ and connections are using their muscle to delay and keep the limit at the current levels. IF YOU ARE TIRED OF LARGE CORPORATIONS GETTING AWAY WITH CONTROLLING THE FAIR AND REASONABLE PROCESS TO PROTECT SMALL BUSINESSES – THEN TAKE ACTION!!!!! Please take 30 seconds of your time to sign this petition. You have the option of showing your name or not. We plan on sending this letter and petition to the U.S. Small Business Administration. 12 years ago the large companies did the same thing, and they WON!!! We can’t just sit back and wait another 10 years for a chance to effect change. PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION!!!