Becca Gaynor 0

Protect Women's Reproductive Rights

19 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Becca Gaynor 0 Comments
19 people have signed. Add your voice!
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In recent months a war has raged on the rights of women reminiscent to decades ago. This time, those pushing that agenda are going straight for the very thing, that at the most basic level separate women from men. Their reproductive system. Women’s ability to make choices concerning their bodies is being taken away by powerful men. There are multiple bills across the country coming to the table that would eliminate women’s rights to safe and at time life saving medical procedures to end pregnancies, even at times criminally prosecuting those whose pregnancy ends without medical intervention.

These bills are not based on science, or expert medical testimony about the reproductive system or development process of a fetus. They are based on political motives and at times religious beliefs; which are meant to be separated from decisions of the officials of our country. They are designed to strip women of the deciding what happens to their body, yet with no help or support consideration to what lies ahead for a child or mother.

There is no consideration given to the girl who was raped and impregnated and now must carry the pregnancy to term and be solely responsible for the life a child. There is no consideration given to the woman who finds out her the baby that she planned for and loved has died inside of her, yet she can not have the surgery necessary to remove it, and must continue to carry it putting her own life at risk. There is no consideration for the woman who received news that the baby inside her, will not survive the outside world, and that is if the pregnancy makes it to term. Instead she will have to continue for months, politely accepting congratulations on a bundle of joy she may get mere minutes with as the baby struggles to survive, perhaps in pain even, and takes their first and last breaths. There is little consideration of life or death in these laws, simply judgements and votes.

We are asking that reproductive rights of women be recognized as human rights, unable to be taken away and granted to them simply for being women. That the right to choose what happens within our bodies, remain in the hands of whose body it is and their trusted medical professionals.

We further sign this petition to show our support for increased education and access to contraception options, believing it is the only real path to lowering the unintended pregnancy rate in our country, and therefore the best deterrent of the various medical procedures that end a pregnancy.

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