Protect the People of Princeton Pike
Princeton Pike Area Residents 0

Protect the People of Princeton Pike

49 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Princeton Pike Area Residents 0 Comments
49 people have signed. Add your voice!
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The undersigned request that the speed limit on Princeton Pike starting south of the bridge and extending to the Province Line Road intersection be reduced from 45 mph to 35 mph, matching the speed limit on Princeton Pike as it crosses the battlefield. There have already been three fatalities on the road, and change is overdue.

We believe that a reduction is warranted for the following reasons:

  1. Densely-populated developments. Princeton Pike is used by the developments of Washington Oaks, Hale Drive, and Gallup Road. Those many residents contend daily with fast-approaching cars that make turning onto and off of the road dangerous.
  2. Princeton Pike is residential. There are 19 homes that line Princeton Pike in the Gallup area alone. Those homeowners, and the contractors working at those homes, are at risk. The tragic fatality that occurred on October 28 might have been avoided with a lower speed limit. Longtime residents tell of another fatality that occurred around 15 years ago as the homeowner was at his mailbox.
  3. No need for speed. That stretch of road is bounded on one end by a 15 mph narrow bridge and the Chapin School and the crowded Province Line Road traffic light intersection on the other. What’s the need for speed when you’ll have to immediately slow down anyway?
  4. Little light; many deer. The road is dimly lit. This, combined with travel at a high rate of speed, leaves little time to deal with obstacles that suddenly present themselves. As the municipality’s signs attest, there are deer on both sides of Princeton Pike. The third fatality that has occurred on the road (where the driver believed that he had, in fact, struck a deer) might have been averted with a lower speed limit.
  5. Narrow cycling lane. As the municipality’s signs warn, there are (rather narrow) bike lanes on Princeton Pike. The 45 mph speed limit is dangerous for the cyclist and for the drivers who are attempting to accommodate them.
  6. Challenging topography. When exiting at the southern intersection of Gallup Road and Princeton Pike, there is a rise which impedes visibility to the left. It is difficult to safely make that turn at any given time, and impossible during times of high volume. Residents can attest to the fender benders and near misses that result.
  7. Parity. Through-roads that are parallel to Princeton Pike (Rosedale, and even Route 206) have speed limits below 45 mph.

The change to 35 mph past the battlefield was a welcome one. And when Princeton Pike continues in Lawrence past driveways, streets and schools, the speed limit is even lower than 35 mph. The many Princeton Pike residents at the southern end of Princeton deserve similar protection.

To the extent that Princeton itself does not have decision-making authority in this matter, we request that the municipality advocate strongly on our behalf.

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