Protect the Griffith Mural
The mural that stretches across the lobby of Griffith Hall at the University of the Sciences has recently come under scrutiny and accusations of racism and sexism. The mural, which displays the history and advancement of medicine through time, features scenes from ancient times to the modern era. The nearly 60 year old mural has hung for a generation on the walls of Griffith Hall, showing the progress of science over the years. This piece of art, as with any piece of art, requires context to understand. It recalls the humble beginnings of medicine, all the way up until the age of modern medicine.
The petition that was posted on this site calling for the mural to be taken down claims that, "we see people of color as servants in tattered clothing, represented to show that we are not good enough." This is false. This misrepresents the scenes within the mural to a shameful degree. Not only does it depict Middle Eastern scholars as the focal point in one of the scenes, but on the final scene of this mural, it depicts people of color working side by side with people of European descent.
Most importantly, the call for the removal of the mural attempts to erase the history of medicine, simply because it was founded in a time of oppression for many minority groups. However, it is our history. USciences is a school founded on the desire to raise generations of scientists and healthcare providers. By seeking to censor our history, even in the name of a "good" cause, we mitigate the wrongs that were done in times past. This mural doesn't seek to glorify those wrongs, rather, it seeks to inform about the history of medicine and the foundations on which healthcare providers and researchers stand.
Posted below is a link to be able to see the mural. Unfortunately, it is too large to fit the photo box. I feel that everyone has a right to be able to see the mural in its entirety, rather than a few small sections.