Rachel Meiners 0

Protect The EPA

51 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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51 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

President Donald Trump is attacking the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and now it is up to us to protect it.

    • President Trump hopes to cut the staff down to only 15,000 employees
    • President Trump hopes to take (at least) $1 billion dollars out of the annual budget
    • These are the first two steps as Trump hopes to "abolish the EPA"
    • The appointed head of the EPA believes global warning has been overly "politicized" and calls it "junk science"

Clearly the new head of our country doesn't care about the environment at large but if you sign this petition, we could raise awareness about this issue and we could get Donald Trump's attention. We only have one chance to save our beautiful planet and signing this petition (while we still have free speech) might help me do that. Thank you for your consideration.

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