Protect the 2nd amendment of The United States Constitution in Clarke County Va.
David Lanham 0

Protect the 2nd amendment of The United States Constitution in Clarke County Va.

13 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
David Lanham 0 Comments
13 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Virginia SB-16, a bill filed by the incoming Democrat Senate majority leader will make instant felons out of tens of thousands of Virginians, including me. I realize many people want something done on gun violence, their kids safe at school. We all do. There are things that can and should be done. However, making law abiding Virginians felons is a horrible and dangerous response. It must be defeated. Please share.

· Any semi-automatic rifle that holds more than 10 rounds and/or possess "military" features such as flash hiders and folding stocks are banned.

· Any semi-automatic pistol with capacity of 10 or more rounds are banned.

· Any semi-automatic pistol with detachable magazine that also feature integrated suppressor threading is subject to FELONY charges for the owner.

· Magazines and any feeding devices that can hold 10 or more rounds prohibited.

· Any shotgun with a magazine or tube that holds more than 7 cartridges also banned.

· Violators of the above are subject to felony charges. (Note: Felony charges also mean the stripping of voting rights.)

· Defensive carrying of pistols prohibited on state Capitol grounds and any building operated by state funding.

· Considerable funds to be diverted into correctional centers for the prolonged incarceration of firearms violators.

· Prior and current law enforcement members exempt from rulings.

· No grandfather clauses for any items on the prohibited list.

· Gun owners have until the July of 2020 to demonstrate full compliance

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