Protect Bothwell Heritage

Balmer Development propose to build a monstrous 4 storey, 68 bedroom Care Home at the entrance to Bothwell and demolish the existing sandstone building of Fairliegh House (previously Harte Construction). This will dominate the entrance to Bothwell and strip it of its' otherwise charming landscape. The plans do not support the economic growth of a conservation village which relies upon its' historic characteristics to sustain visitors and attract and retain residents. This is further emphasised by the dominant position of the site, visible on approaching the village from a considerable distance.
Furthermore the plans are certainly not protecting or enhancing the natural cultural assets by demolishing a historic building and replacing it with an oversized, industrial looking commercial building which lacks in any connection to the local environment and has an adverse effect on the residential street and local area as a whole. In addition there are serious concerns with regards to road safety on this already very narrow road.
The closing date for opposition to these plans is 30th March 2018. The plans together with appeal documents can be seen at www.dpea.scotland.gov.uk (Case Ref:PPA-380-2076 and CAC-380-2000) and we would urge you to make an individual opposition by email to Christopher.Kennedy@gov.scot.