Protect and Preserve Halstead Mill Smoke Stack.
Thomas Shirai 0

Protect and Preserve Halstead Mill Smoke Stack.

130 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Thomas Shirai 0 Comments
130 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

After seeing a current picture taken of Halstead Mill Smoke Stack, I was prompt to start this petition recommending the State Historic Preservation Division placing the Halstead Mill Smoke Stack on the Hawaii Registry of Historic Places because recent and current development projects that potentially impact our Historic Sites that are an important part of Waialua's history and People.

Orignially it was Chamberlain Plantation in 1874 and later purchased by Halstead Brothers in 1878. In 1878 Castle & Cooke created Waialua Agricultural Company and purchased it.

It's quite disturbing all these years nothing was ever considered to preserve, protect and afford the recognition it highly deserves.

Please support and sign this petition. No monetary contribution is required.

Mahalo nui loa.

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