Protect Alberta Chartered Accountants from their regulator

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta ("ICAA") Complaints Inquiry Committee ("CIC") has engaged in corrupt and unethical conduct in prosecuting its member CA's by:
- hiring conflicted lawyers that have, and continue, to represent the CIC as prosecutor and for the respective Discipline/Appeal Tribunals as independent counsel (i.e. for the judges);
- breaching several sections of the Regulated Accounting Profession Act ("RAPA"), its enabling statute, specifically ss.78 & 129 (see the link on the right for the decision: Court of Appeal of Alberta Clark v. Alberta (Institute of Chartered Accountants, Complaints Inquiry Committee));
- denying the CA's statutory right of appeal under ss.101 & 108 of RAPA; and
- appointing tribunal members that are in an irreconcilable conflict of interest,
all in an effort to obtain adverse findings against their members.
All of these things happened to me and I was herded through a hearing and despite my very thorough and meritorious defense on the facts, the Discipline Tribunal found me guilty on every count except for one. Now the CIC has formally applied to permanently cancel my registration as a Chartered Accountant in which case I will not be a CA anymore. If you agree that the CIC has engaged in unethical conduct and if you believe that I should still be allowed to be a Chartered Accountant then please sign this petition and express whatever comments you can to support me at this time.