Prosper ISD, Return Mask Choice to Parents!
Christine Chiappinelli 0

Prosper ISD, Return Mask Choice to Parents!

553 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Christine Chiappinelli 0 Comments
553 people have signed. Add your voice!
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On December 22, 2020, Superintendent Holly Ferguson, with the knowledge that she was being recorded, promised in a meeting with a PISD parent that the moment her hands were no longer tied by Executive Order No. GA-29 (the state mask mandate), she would allow facial coverings to be optional within the district. She assured him, “The minute we can get out [of masking kids], I’m out… the minute we can get there, I will get us there. I promise. You have my word.”

That moment came on March 2, 2021 when Governor Abbott lifted the mask mandate statewide. Yet Holly Ferguson did not keep her word and our students in grades 4-12 continue to be forced to wear facial coverings on school grounds.

Communication from the district on March 5, 2021 stated “As employees have more opportunities to access the vaccine, PISD may allow adjustments to plans for end-of-year activities.” Educators in Texas have been eligible to receive the vaccine since March 3, 2021. All teachers who desire to receive this vaccine have had ample opportunity to receive both injections at this point in time. There is no reason to mandate the masking of our children now.

Over 90 school districts in Texas have followed our Governor’s lead and made masks optional for both their staff and students. Please join us in petitioning Prosper Independent School District to remove the mandated masking of our children - and return the freedom to choose to mask children to the parents, where the decision rightly belongs.

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