Prosecute Lorenzo Segundo to the fullest extent of the law
Animal cruelty and neglect is an important issue in our society. Too often we see this abuse and neglect is due to ignorance or is a socio-economic issue. The situation that occurred on July 10,2013 involving Mr. Lorenzo Segundo was not an issue do to ignorance or poverty, it was a case of animal cruelty and one of the worst types our county has ever encountered. Mr. Segundo, no matter his reasoning, had no right to harm, let alone beat, a small defenseless animal to death. There must be a clear message made that animal cruelty and violence of this magnitude will not be tolerated in Merced County, not by our courts, not by our civic leaders and not by our citizens. We the undersigned ask that Mr. Lorenzo Segundo be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. He should be shown no leniency, he showed no mercy to that animal. Additionally we ask that any animals he owns or lives with be removed and his access to animals be restricted pending the outcome of his case.