Dale Morie 0

Prosecute Hillary Clinton Now!

26 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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26 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Isn't it time for all those bureaucrats in the Justice Department to quit draging their feet?

If anyone other than our illustrious President and his inner circle kept secret and classified information on a private and non secure, unofficial server, they would be procecuted to the full extent of the law! Just ask those already arrested and prosecuted for the same thing.

I call on all Americans who wish for a stronger and moral government,to sign this petition, which will be delivered to the Department of Justice.

Surely, even they wouldn't be able to ignore thousands demanding action on their part!

This is our country, not theirs! Please petition the DOJ to do their jobs, and get it done before her foolish followers help plant her in the Whitehouse , where she will be untouchable, as was her husband during all his indiscretions !

Prosecute now, before it is too late!

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