Proposed Encroachment on Public Park by Convent of Jesus & Mary School Karachi (CJM)

26th April 2018
Syed Murad Ali Shah
Chief Minister & Guardian of Sindh
CM’s House, Dr Ziauddin Ahmed Road
Your Excellency,
Sub: Proposed Encroachment on & Misuse of Public Amenity Park
Plot ST-21, Block-5, Kahkashan, Clifton, Karachi
We understand that an unlawful allotment of a part of the above public park is being made to the Convent of J & M for use as a school. You may not have been informed that the applicable laws, including the KDA Order 1957 and the KBTPR 2002 do not allow the conversion of parks and playgrounds to any other use. The superior courts have regularly supported public-interest litigation to protect such spaces.
Parks, playgrounds and amenity spaces in our beleaguered city have been under attack for over 50 years. Corrupt movers-and-shakers have grabbed chunks of communal spaces, depriving the citizenry of open areas to recreate and play, exacerbating psychological and crime problems. What will our future generations think of us? That we were greedy? Unconcerned for their welfare? Leaving no open spaces to be enjoyed by all?
Plot ST-21 has also been subject to continuous abuse, by unlawful allotment/lease of various parts to:
- Civil Aviation Authority for a private club (this must be had cancelled, as even the final date has passed decades ago)
- Karachi Grammar School for a private playground (as a KMC ‘adopt-a-park’ scheme)
- US government for a Consulate premises (effectively opposed by KGS parents)
Strong opposition by concerned citizens has so far prevented consolidation of the above illegalities. The city needs to develop the park to prevent further temptation.
While we truly appreciate the stellar work that the CJM is doing for the cause of education in our city and country, such cannot be promoted and expanded by illegal conversion of parks.
We, the former students of CJM and other concerned citizens of Karachi, appreciate the desire of the government to help the good nuns. We request you to identify and allot a suitable and appropriate plot for the purpose --- not a park or playground!
cc Waseem Akhtar, Mayor & Guardian of Karachi (including its parks)
Samiuddin Siddiqui, DG KDA & Owner of Plot ST-21/6, Clifton
Principal, Convent of J & M, Clifton