Promote Inclusion in Schools for Children with Differing Abilities

Inclusion in schools is shown when all children and students; no matter their race, culture or any differing abilities is welcomed with open arms by their school community where they are able to attend and join in on regular school classes as well as be supported, able to contribute and participate in their school community.
As future educators, this topic is close to our hearts because we want our classrooms to be welcoming, responsive, inclusive and a safe space for everybody. Unfortunately, children with differing abilities have to face a lot of situations where they aren't shown inclusivity. We believe that the children need to be separated from their disability; meaning they should not be defined by it because they are a person, not their disability. With the proper resources, programming, etc. we can create a positive and inclusive environment where the children can be successful.
Unfortunately, one of the main issues that can prevent inclusion in the classrooms from happening is the cuts to funding for staffing, resources and programming that Doug Ford is putting into place. Making these cuts take away many opportunities for children with differing abilities because it can limit schools from having the proper funding for special equipment that can help the children and allow for their participation in class or even limit support staff; especially those who are specifically trained to work and support these children. Without the special equipment or extra support from staff, children with varying abilities will most likely either be left in the classroom with less support leading to the possibility of them struggling, not being able to be successful and more stress on their families or having them be put back in a classroom with just other children with differing abilities because the schools will no longer be able to afford the extra support for the children.
Please sign this petition to help get this message out and promote inclusion in the classrooms. No child should feel like they don't belong!