ATTN: Jay J. Fink, P.E., Commissioner Lisa Nerich, Assistant Superintendent of Parks and Playgrounds Let all our voices be heard by the City of Lynn to have Lynn Tech Skatepark repaired and expanded upon. Many of you who have been there know the park needs be repaired in certain areas and pointed out the fact that there is a large amount of unused paved space. If you have not visited this park, please continue reading regardless. The general consensus is the park should be renovated and extended. We need your help. By making the necessary repairs and utilizing the extra space to its full potential by adding more ramps and remodeling, the quality of the park will rise to the point in which only positive results can occur. The local community of bike rider's, skateboarders, skaters, etc. is growing in numbers and the park, as it is, will only be further abused facing a rising demand by the community to have a better park provided. In addition, it will increase the flow of people wanting to come to the skatepark from surrounding communities and possibly from far away visiting Lynn, putting the city in a more positive, brighter light. Local businesses may also benefit from this idea alone. Most importantly, the existing skatepark provides a location for the youth to be active and participate in non-traditional "sports" by giving them a creative outlet away from negative influences. By improving this stage for them and all of us included, this can further lead to a stronger, safer community while tying closer bonds to people from afar. We want our park repaired, improved and really put on the map. HELP US WITH OUR CAUSE SIMPLY BY SIGNING THIS PETITION. We need all the names and support we can get. We are also carrying out an ongoing fundraiser raising money to be put directly into this project to really show the city our cause is real. PLEASE DONATE @ GetSomeBrand.com