Sylvia Johnson 0

Project Validate Mai Lien

114 signers. Add your name now!
Sylvia Johnson 0 Comments
114 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Mai Lien, our beloved friend and comrade, is bearing the challenges of a demanding undergraduate program and work stress, amongst other activist and extracurricular work. These have left them feeling worn out and spread thin, lending to a declining state of mental health. Mai is struggling to feel capable and cared for.

It is our responsibility as a support network to remind Mai that they are loved, they are inspiring, and they are not alone! When feelings don't match reality, it's always good to have tangible reminders of the support one has. A full list of supporters can provide that reminder.

Please take a minute to sign, it will mean the world to them, and give them strength to persist.

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