Bring the Troops Home Now!
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Since 9/11, 1744 Americans have given their lives in Afganistan, 4474 U.S. troops have been killed in Iraq and 18 U.S. service veterens commit suicide everyday, after the death of osama, and the toppling of Saddam, isn't it time to bring our boys home?
Our Government Should :
1. Stop the Wars we are fighting overseas, and BRING THE TROOPS HOME, research shows foreign wars make a country less safe
2. $1,238,811,372,293 has been spent on the wars in Iraq and Afganistan, lets bring that money home to build a viable future and economy for our service members who have given so much
I urge you to remember these brave men and women who gave everything, don't let another soldier die BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW!
Leba, The Site Unscene, Brave New Films
Our home page, you can help us sponsor a project to be released in conjunction with the petition by following the above link, our troops need all the support they can get.
Our home page, you can help us sponsor a project to be released in conjunction with the petition by following the above link, our troops need all the support they can get.