Project for the Regeneration of the UWTSD Carmarthen Campus AstroTurf
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

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Diolch i Alex, un o'n cynrychiolwyr cwrs, am ymgyrchu am AstroTurf
newydd ar y campws. Rydym am greu newid gall myfyrwyr ei weld, ond allwn ni
ddim gwneud hyn ar ein pen ein hun. Arwyddwch
y ddeiseb hon os hoffech chi i'r AstroTurf gael ei drwsio er diben myfyrwyr.
Shout out to Alex, one of our course reps for campaigning for a repaired astro turf on campus. We want to make change that students can see, but we can’t do it alone. Sign this petition if you’d like the astro turf to be repaired for student use