Morgan Wade 0

Revitalizing Canada's Prison Farms

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Please link to the webpages listed on the right for more information on this issue and actions you can take! NATIONAL CAMPAIGN PETITION We, the undersigned Canadian citizens call upon Public Safety Minister, Peter Van Loan and the Government of Canada to: 1) Stop the closure of Canada’s six prison farms by immediately freezing the dismantling process set in motion by Correctional Service of Canada. 2) Consider our position that Canada’s six prison farms should be revitalized and re-oriented toward sustainable farming that will increase public safety and food security by: i) Feeding inmates food grown by inmates. ii) Providing work and learning opportunities that are necessary upon re-entry into our communities. iii) Providing rehabilitation and therapeutic activity. iv) Protecting farm and food system infrastructure, including valuable farm land, located on these farms which could be lost to the prisons, and to the broader local food systems around each prison. v) Training inmates to participate in the sustainable farm and food systems that will feed our communities into the future. 3) Enhance partnerships with local communities and local farmers, and donate all surplus food to food banks and meal programs in the regions where the farms operate, in order to increase local food security.


National Farmers Union Urban Agriculture Kingston Sisters of Providence, Justice and Peace Office


Revitalize Canada's Prison Farms Background Information: Sample letter for Parliamentarians: National Campaign Position Statement (for organizations to sign): Links to media coverage:
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