Prioritize children in the Chilliwack Hospitals emergency unit
How can you compare the terror a child must be feeling sitting in an emergency unit to that of an adult? You can't!!! This problem needs immediate attention. I am representing all caregivers who want the best care for their children. I arrived in the emergency unit at 9pm with my 3 year old daughter. She had an object lodged in her nose. The doctor's were caring, concerned and went above and beyond their duties to make sure my child felt safe. I thank them wholeheartedly. I became frustrated as I waited for almost 3 hours as adults were being called in before my daughter. When I finished, at 12pm, a newborn and 9 month old baby I had been waiting amongst earlier were still waiting for their turn to be seen by a doctor. Still the adults were being called before the children. At this time the emergency waiting room was basically full. Luckily for me I arrived with just a handful of people that were ahead. A frantic father arrived with his young daughter who was bleeding from the mouth, because she had choked on a thumb tack. They arrived 45 minutes after me and were still waiting when I left at 12pm, again a lesser priority. Children need to be prioritized as in the Kamloops Royal Inland Hospital. My sister-in-law has brought her 2 and 4 year old to that hospital on several occasions for different circumstances and has never had to wait for more than 1/2 an hour. This is the kind of quick response we need at the Chilliwack General Hospital. Part of the campaign for the new emergency unit was to speed up the process. Let us keep focus on what is most important for our future-"our children". Let's show them the respect we deserve. I look forward to hearing a speedy response on this matter. Thank you for you time. I am sure this issue is important to you too.