Prioritize scheduling after-4pm class options for all MoPA core courses
Thomas Silverman 0

Prioritize scheduling after-4pm class options for all MoPA core courses

20 signers. Add your name now!
Thomas Silverman 0 Comments
20 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

We, MoPA class of 2016, appeal to MoPA faculty and administration to prioritize scheduling an after-4pm option for all core MoPA classes. A critical mass of us work full time in fields related to our areas of study. These real-world experiences not only enhance our ability to synthesize what we learn in class and constructively contribute meaningful ideas; it affords us the ability to pay tuition to the program as well (not to mention, rent, food and public transportation).

Being that courses beginning at 4pm already cut into the typical workday and that commuting from work to campus is also time-consuming, many of us are already making workday sacrifices in order to attend class. Offering after-4pm options for all MoPA core classes is a reasonable compromise between administrative concerns and those of students. Afterall, students pay for MoPA with money and time. Thus, we maintain that if it doesn't work for MoPA students, it doesn't work for MoPA. We are MoPA!

Although some of us do not currently work during the day and are hence not directly impacted by the lack of after 4-pm core MoPA class options, our cohort stands united in our desire to accommodate the critical mass of us that are, indeed, impacted. We recognize that after-4pm classes have the potential to benefit us all at one point or another in our MoPA careers.

Thank you for your consideration,
MoPA, Class of 2016

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