Prince Rupert wants back 40ft buses not smaller 27ft & 30ft buses BCTransit send us the parked NewFlyers
Scott Russ 0

Prince Rupert wants back 40ft buses not smaller 27ft & 30ft buses BCTransit send us the parked NewFlyers

27 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Scott Russ 0 Comments
27 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

BCTRANSIT needs to send us the parked NewFlyers that they parked when other cities got brand new buses they parked there NewFlyers that still run & still can be used so prince rupert has back full size buses again instead of these cheap Europian or Asian built buses & BCTRANSIT have full size buses that are just sitting there in a yard & Prince Rupert is always last to get working buses so sign this so BCTRANSIT sends Rupert full size buses now that we are growing & ridership is increasing & if bctransit sends these cheap Asian buses they might send us 27ft buses or 30ft buses these buses are to small for Prince Rupert now we have had full size buses before like in 1999 when we had a fleet of 40ft buses so send us the NewFlyers now we only need 9 NewFlyers to replace our 10 Alexander Dennis Darts Pointer buses that are falling apart or on the verge hanging on by a thread so please sign this to show bctransit & get them to send us 9 of the parked NewFlyers out of the 134 & im sure there are enough parked now to send us 9 NewFlyers then the new buses that are delayed to send us they can send these new smaller buses they can send to a smaller town then rupert & they can send us 9 of the now parked working NewFlyer's like in the pic

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