price not right!

Springwell community college are trying to make it so all students have to buy school trousers at an overpriced cost of £13.00 to £15.50 per pair from either school or Buckland. Firstly they are over priced as you can by 2 pairs for around £10 but if you were to buy 2 of the cheapest from school it would cost £26, most parents do not have that much money to spare on things that they could get cheaper. Secondly some students do not feel comfortable in baggy trousers such as some are not comfortable in tight, the school should respect this as they are wanting all students to feel comfortable during their visit to collage. It says in the letter we got informed about it with that "it reduces pressure on parents/carers to purchase trousers that are not acceptable" yet it just changes the pressure into financial pressure which i think is considerably worse. I think that this shouldn't be allowed and student should be able to choose their trousers within reason. My final point is that the school is an arts school and they say that we should express ourselves but with each new rule this decreases the amount that we can actually express ourselves because as the rules state "no more than one natural colour applied to the hair.." "Hair shaved no less than a grade 2" "A small amount of makeup may be subtly worn" "no extreme hair styles, for example: tram lines, patterns shaved into the hair, shaved on one side". I know some of these rules are reasonable but if they are telling us to be ourselves how can we with rules such as these,if we don't give our reasons now they will soon be enforcing school shirts and school socks and shoes. I am i student there and i give my point as many others will see it, do the right thing and sign this petition.