Save Concord’s Hildreth Corner from Damaging Development
** UPDATE - There is a new HDC hearing on this development on Thursday January 26, 2023. Please see update below and write letters of opposition to the plan to the HDC and please attend HDC zoom to voice concerns!***
Mike Bushnell, owner of Bushnell Construction (, a developer, is in negotiations to purchase land and construct a massive structure in Hildreth Corner - a location that holds significant historic, scenic and architectural significance in Concord.
The plans proposed by this developer are clearly and directly in conflict and inconsistent with the both the preservation goals for the Barrett Farm Historic District and the design guidelines stated in the HDC’s Historic District Guidelines. If built, this development will have a permanent and detrimental impact on Hildreth Corner and the character and architectural integrity of its historic houses.
We urge the Concord Historic District Commission to deny Bushnell’s application to the HDC and set clear limits on what can be built for the following reasons:
1. The size, scale, massing and location of this proposed imposing structure is too large for the oddly shaped incredibly narrow lot. If built, this will have a direct and negative impact on the streetscape and the historic, scenic nature of Hildreth Corner, removing all open space between structures. What will be left is the visual impact of a tall, imposingly large building, densely developed with no open space between buildings. This is inconsistent with the rural agrarian streetscape and preservation goals of the Barrett Farm Historic District. We urge the HDC to utilize its full authority to implement additional square footage, size, setback, height, and dimensional requirements, and deny the inclusion of a garage and outbuildings, in addition to zoning requirements, for whatever may be built here, in order to minimize the impact on Hildreth Corner and protect its historic houses.
2. No garage should be included. The narrow shape and size of the buildable area of the lot does not support an additional structure (attached or unattached) which would visually fill the site and detracts from the historic streetscape.
3. The proposed design of the structure is an outright mimicry of the house and barn at 625 Lowell Road. Having a carbon copy of the historic house next door will diminish the historic and architectural integrity and value of 625 Lowell Road, a house clearly identified by the Concord Historical Commission for its architectural significance in Concord, and will also have a clear and detrimental impact on the history, architecture and landscape of Hildreth Corner.
4. The construction of the structure and creation of the driveway and garage will cause radical alteration to the site and is in conflict with the HDC guidelines. This includes proposed removal of old growth trees and the placement of a garage and driveway altering the essential existing form, integrity and visual interest of the lots, and the landscape of Hildreth Corner and the Barrett Farm Historic District.
We have full faith and trust that the HDC will fully and appropriately apply its guidelines to this proposed development and use its authority to fulfill its charge to preserve and protect the significant history, architecture and nature of Hildreth Corner, consistent with the preservation goals of the Barrett Farm Historic District. We urge the HDC to deny this developer’s application and set clear limits on development for this lot in the manner suggested above.
Through this petition, we also urge Mr. Bushnell and Kim Comeau to reconsider the purchase and development of this lot. The Concord community supports trying to conserve this lot as an open space - to protect this scarce natural resource essential to the historic, rural character of our town and to Hildreth Corner and the Barrett Farm Historic District. We hope Mr. Bushnell can support the Concord community in its goal of preserving this corner for future generations!
Friends of Hildreth Corner
NOTE - any solicitation from iPetitions for contributions is for their site and is not related to this petition. There is an option to decline contributions.
** Update 1/18/23**
I hope that the New Year is finding you well. I am writing with an update regarding the proposed development of 615 Lowell Rd at Hildreth Corner by Mike Bushnell & Archstone Builders.
In a concerning development, Mr. Bushnell has submitted a new HDC application to be heard on Thursday, January 26th. Since the last meeting where their proposed plan was denied, Mr. Bushnell & Archstone Builders have filed a lawsuit against the HDC & the Town. This lawsuit is still pending.This new January application is similar in size and scope to previous applications and clearly does not address the HDC’s concerns and those of over 260 Concord residents. The new application can be seen here. We are requesting your help again to write letters in advance of the HDC meeting and speak at the meeting on January 26th to support the HDC so it may continue to apply its guidelines consistently and independently to deny this application.
Overarching concerns regarding this new application (similar to past applications) are:
- The developer again proposes a structure that is as large in terms of building volume as what was denied multiple times by the HDC.
- For context, the new January plan is ~50.6’ Wide and ~108’ long for an approx. 3900 SF Living Space (The 3900SF does not appear to include unfinished spaces such as the garage, attics, cathedral ceilings, etc.)
- The June 2022 proposal of a 4 Bedroom: ~45’ Wide and 91’ Long- 3500 SF was denied by the HDC.
- All prior applications reviewed by the HDC were for homes of approximately 3400-3900 SF and were also Denied by the HDC.
- The new application includes a 2 car garage, found multiple times by the HDC as inappropriate for this lot in the Barrett’s Farm Historic District.
- This new application is deficient in many ways, including, but not limited to, omitting Total Building Volume, Maximum Height, overlay and proximity to other historic structures and overall impact on immediate abutters.
What you can do!
- Please email the HDC commissioners to express your continued opposition to the plans by sending comments to Ann Clifford ( and Hayleigh Walker ( in advance of the meeting. Feel free to use talking points above and towards the end of this email.
- Please attend and speak in opposition at the 7pm -Thursday, January 26th Zoom meeting. The overwhelming public support of the HDC’s work and review of the previous applications in February, November and June was invaluable. We will circulate the zoom link in a future email once it is available.
- Please let us know if you are willing to host a sign on your front lawn (please send me your address and we’ll place one!)
Lawsuit and community outreach update:
Please find attached a copy of a letter signed by 31 community members that has been submitted for publication to the Concord Bridge. At present, we are unsure of whether the text will make the deadline for publication in time for the meeting, but wanted to share our submission with you.
- Since August, a number of concerned community members, through letters and public comment at Board meetings, have urged the Select Board to defend the lawsuit and to publicly support the HDC and its important work to protect Hildreth Corner and Concord’s Historic Districts (the Select Board has control over town litigation). We have urged that any sort of settlement should follow the HDC’s determinations.
- At this juncture, the Select Board’s official position is unclear, and the Select Board has not publicly defended the HDC’s determinations.
- The Select Board and the developers have agreed to extend the Town’s deadline to respond to the lawsuit pending while the parties explore some sort of settlement. We understand that Town Officials and designees may have engaged the developers in private settlement discussions behind closed doors without public visibility or the involvement, approval or support of the HDC.
- Through comments in various other public forums, we understand that some HDC members feel that Select Board actions have undermined their independent decision-making authority in reviewing and determining historic district matters, exposing a potential rift between the Select Board and the HDC.
- Although there is an appreciation that legal negotiations often have confidential components, the Town, its designees and the Select Board have not provided appropriate public updates, nor have they published the public comments submitted from concerned citizens. The Select Board has not been willing to meet with community members to discuss the community position.
- Should Bushnell’s new application be approved (which does not satisfy the previous denial conditions), the lawsuit will be moot and likely withdrawn, undermining the HDC’s role and gutting their reasonable determinations; while liberating the Select Board from taking a public position on the matter.
THANK YOU for your continued support in opposing this development - it is very apparent that Mr. Bushnell and Archstone are attempting to wear down the spirit of the community and undermine the work of the HDC. Share your voice and support the work of the HDC on behalf of the public good and for the protection of the unique and significant value of Historic Concord.
We are happy to discuss should you have any questions or concerns.
Friends of Hildreth Corner
HDC Letter/Comment Discussion Points:
- Bushnell is not addressing the key components of the HDC denial and community opposition. By presenting a new structure, which is roughly the same size or larger than the previously denied plans, the size, scale and massing of this new structure is still too large for this narrow lot, taking up the entirety of the width and buildable area of the lot.
- Visual Impact: A building of this size will have permanent, detrimental impact on the history, character and scenery of this unique corner and its architecturally significant homes, and will disrupt the historic streetscapes and viewsheds (both from Lowell Road and from the Hildreth Corner intersection). This will create a visual impact of a large building and driveway, densely developed, removing open space between structures.
- Bushnell is ignoring a key component of the HDC denial by including a garage. Given the size and narrow width of the lot, there is no suitable location for a garage, whether it is sited in the front, side or back, as previously determined by the HDC.
- Bushnell’s new plans will have an enormous impact on the very old row of Maple trees along the property line, creating a sea of driveway and leading to the demise of those trees that are integral to the nature of the lot and streetscape.
- To minimize the impact on Hildreth Corner, the size and scope of the proposed development needs to be significantly reduced by approximately 50%.
- The architectural elements and design of the proposal (e.g. the bloated gambrel roof, mishmash of architectural elements, etc. are not historically appropriate within this immediate vicinity and do not relate to the architectural time periods demonstrated by Hildreth Corner.
- The HDC has evaluated all of Mr. Bushnell’s submissions fairly and consistently with its guidelines - through eight meetings and two site visits - working tirelessly to educate and inform Mr. Bushnell that given the narrowness of the lot, its proximity to neighboring historic structures and the historic and scenic importance of Hildreth Corner, a house of this size and scope, and a garage, is inappropriate for this lot and this historic district. The HDC has repeatedly encouraged Mr. Bushnell to submit an application that is smaller and without a garage. It is our opinion that The HDC should reject this application outright since it reflects no integration of their guidance and recommendations for appropriate development.
- The HDC is facing immense pressure and the pending litigation creates a difficult environment for the commission. If the HDC is pressured to do an about-face and ultimately approve this new application, which doesn’t satisfy either of the conditions of previous public denials, it will set a dangerous precedent; that a developer can threaten and intimidate the HDC into a decision contrary to the public good. This is incredibly concerning not only for Hildreth Corner and this historic district, but for our historic districts as a whole and the public trust and function of the HDC.
- Voice your general support of the HDC, their important work, and their previous determinations.
** Update 6/1/22**
Thank you to all who have written letters to the HDC, hosted signs and have voiced that you will be on the HDC zoom to provide public comment!
We just learned that the developer has requested a continuance until the next HDC meeting. Therefore, this matter will not be heard at tomorrow's meeting and instead will be heard at the next HDC meeting on Thursday, June 16th at 7pm. There will be no discussion of this application at the June 2nd meeting.
If you have not yet written a letter of opposition to the HDC, please consider doing so! Most importantly, please join the HDC meeting on June 16th to voice your opposition - even if to state your name, address and general opposition to the plans presented. We'll send another email as a reminder closer to the date with direction on how to access the zoom.
Again - thanks for all of your continued support in helping to preserve Hildreth Corner.
** Update 5/24/22**
Again - so many thanks to those who spoke in opposition at the February 3, 2022 HDC meeting and wrote letters - your involvement and hard work was instrumental in supporting the HDC to deny the developers application yet again. In our attempts to again secure the lot for conservation, the current owner (Archstone) told us that Mr. Bushnell still wants to try to get something approved by HDC and he’s letting him go forward, but will negotiate with us in the event Mr. Bushnell decides to abandon his pursuit of purchasing the lot.
Unfortunately, Bushnell is back again with a new application to be heard at 7pm on June 2nd via Zoom. We are incredibly frustrated and disappointed to report that the developer is proposing yet another plan that clearly does not address the HDC’s concerns and the concerns of close to 200 Concord residents.
The developer is again proposing just as large of a structure in building volume as what was denied (multiple times) by the HDC, as well as a two bay garage. For context, Bushnell’s plans most recently denied by the HDC in February showed a roughly 46’ wide x 87’ long x 24’ high 3600 sq.ft 4 bedroom house. The newly submitted plans show a slightly bigger 45’ wide x 91’ long x 26’ high 4 bedroom house, which the application notes is 3500 sq.ft. All of his proposed plans that have been denied have been roughly between 3400 - 3800 sq.ft.
We are asking for your continued support in opposing this plan - it is frustratingly obvious that Bushnell is attempting to wear out the community and HDC members and try to push through approval of yet another inappropriate plan!
What you can do!
- Please email the HDC commissioners in continued opposition to the plans by sending comments echoing the talking points below and above to Heather Carey ( and Heather Gill ( in advance of the meeting.
- Please attend and speak in opposition at the 7pm Thursday June 2nd zoom meeting. The overwhelming public support at the meeting last February and November was what pushed the HDC to deny his previous applications and is incredibly valuable.
- Please let us know if you are willing to host a sign on your front lawn (please send me your address and we’ll place one!).
In each of the now seven HDC meetings since August 2021, the HDC has consistently told Mr. Bushnell that due to the narrow lot with its small buildable area and neighboring historic structures, that he needs to dramatically reduce the size and scope of the residence and its total building volume and not include a garage (since a garage has been considered inappropriate in every instance that he’s presented) for a plan to be appropriate for this location.
In addition to the countless comments and extensive feedback from the HDC Commission members during these 7 hearings, the HDC memorialized these findings in two denials. In its February 3rd meeting, the HDC denied the developer’s application finding that “the size, scale and massing of the proposed structure is not appropriate to the land area and shape of the lot, even with a lot width exception, neighboring structures and surrounding streetscape, that the structure as proposed disrupts the pattern of the historic streetscape, and that the inclusion of a garage is inappropriate, given the configuration of the site and its context.” Prior to this, in its November 11th meeting, the HDC similarly denied Mr. Bushnell’s application, and found similarly that “the size, scale and massing of the proposed structure is not appropriate to the land area and shape of the lot, even with a lot width exception, neighboring structures and surrounding streetscape, that the structure as proposed disrupts the pattern of the historic streetscape.”
By both increasing the building volume of the development and including a two car garage, Mr. Bushnell has again (for the 8th time) not attempted to address the HDC’s concerns and the concern of the close to 200 Concord residents.
Below are some additional talking points to consider:
- Bushnell is not addressing the key components of the HDC denial and community opposition. By presenting a new structure which the same size than the denied plan, the size, scale and massing of this new structure the developer is proposing continues to be too large for this narrow lot and this will have a permanent detrimental impact on character and scenery of the historic corner and will disrupt the historic streetscape;
- Bushnell is further not addressing a key component of the HDC denial by including a garage. Given the size and narrowness of the lot there is no suitable location for a garage and a garage remains not appropriate for the lot (whether in the back or otherwise);
- Bushnell’s new plans will detrimentally affect the row of maple trees that line the property, leading to the demise of those trees that are integral to the nature of the lot and streetscape.
- to minimize the impact on Hildreth Corner, the size and scope of the proposed development needs to be significantly reduced by approximately 1/2.
- The HDC should reject this application outright since it is exactly the same size and scope of development compared to the previous denials and doesn’t adequately address the denial conditions.
- Express your frustration: If the HDC approves this application, this will set a concerning precedent that a developer can brazenly disregard the HDC and the community interest by continuing to reapply to the HDC without addressing conditions of previous denials in an attempt to wear the HDC and community down. This developer is playing a game that is wasting the valuable time and resources of the HDC, its Committee members and the Concord community. How many times does the HDC and the Concord community need to express the same concerns to this developer without him meaningfully addressing the problems?
Thank you again for all of your continued support in protecting Hildreth Corner! Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions.
Friends of Hildreth Corner
** Update 1/23/22 **
I hope that the new year is finding you well and you are staying warm during this cold January!
Thank you to all who wrote letters and showed up to speak at the last December 16th HDC meeting! For those who couldn't make it - the developer presented his new plan. In a bad version of the movie "Groundhog Day" - the plan is the same size and design as the previously denied plan but with the garage now in the back (which will create a sea of pavement along the border of the property for a driveway and is inappropriate). Disappointingly, the HDC did not allow public comment during the meeting because the developer did not yet file a formal application.
Bushnell has now filed a formal application which will be heard on Thursday, February 3rd at 8pm. It contains the same plan that he presented in December - here are the documents.
We are asking for your continued support in opposing this plan - it is frustratingly obvious that Bushnell is attempting to wear out the community and HDC members and try to push through approval of yet another inappropriate plan!
Please email the HDC commissioners in continued opposition to the plans by sending comments echoing the points below to Heather Carey ( and Heather Gill ( in advance of the meeting. If you already emailed comments for the December meeting (thank you!) please email Heather Carey to ask her to apply your letter to the current application materials.
Please attend and speak in opposition at the 8pm Thursday February 3rd zoom meeting. The overwhelming public support at the meeting last November was what pushed the HDC to deny his previous application and is incredibly valuable!
Below are some talking points to consider:
1) Bushnell is not addressing the key component of the HDC denial and community opposition. By presenting a new structure which the same size than the denied plan, the size, scale and massing of this new structure the developer is proposing continues to be too large for this narrow lot and this will have a permanent detrimental impact on character and scenery of the historic corner and will disrupt the historic streetscape;
2) given the size and narrowness of the lot there is no suitable location for a garage and a garage is remains not appropriate for the lot (whether in the back or otherwise);
3) the proposed design, a modern, boxy house with a long driveway on the border of the property lines is not keeping with the nature of the architecture and scenery of this historic corner; and
4) to minimize the impact on Hildreth Corner, the size and scope of the proposed development needs to be significantly reduced by approximately 1/2.
5) The HDC should reject it outright since it is exactly the same size and scope of development compared to the previous denial and doesn’t adequately address the denial conditions.
Thank you again for all of your continued support in protecting Hildreth Corner! Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions.
Friends of Hildreth Corner
** Update 12/15/21 **
All -
I wanted to provide an update and a request for your continued help and support to protect Hildreth Corner.
Late yesterday we found out that the developer was able to get himself on the HDC’s agenda for this Thursday, December 16th meeting with a new plan. While this is not a formal application, he is seeking informal input from the HDC prior to making a new application.
What he is proposing is almost exactly the same size and scope of the previously denied development (~ 50 x 105 ft footprint instead of a 54 x 108 ft footprint; approximately same height), but just with the garage now in the back (which will create a sea of pavement along the border of the property for a driveway, which is inappropriate ). He clearly has not heard the message from both the HDC and the Concord community that this size and scope of this house is not appropriate for this lot and for historic and scenic Hildreth Corner. Our goal is to maintain support for the HDC so that Bushnell does not wear out the community and HDC members and try to push through approval of yet another inappropriate plan.
If you have time, please email the HDC commissioners in continued opposition to the plans by sending comments echoing the points below to Heather Carey ( and Heather Gill ( in advance of the meeting.
Also - if you have time, please consider attending the 7pm Thursdayzoom meeting. Here is the to the agenda (with zoom link and link to current documents)
Thank you again for all of your continued support in protecting Hildreth Corner! Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions.
Friends of Hildreth Corner
** Update 11/19/21**
Due to your unwavering support to preserve Hildreth Corner and the character of this historic district, the HDC voted unanimously to deny the developer's application at last night's meeting!
It is truly moving to see our amazing Concord community mobilize to stand in unison to oppose this plan that if built would have had a permanent and detrimental impact on Hildreth Corner. Your hard work, determination, time and commitment - signing the petition, placing signs on your lawn, sharing this issue with friends and other concerned residents, writing letters of opposition to the HDC, and taking the time to speak and voice your opinion at the many HDC meetings, made this outcome possible. On behalf of all the neighbors of Hildreth Corner, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your commitment and passion in working to preserve the history and scenery of our town - and for clearly demonstrating why this is such an amazing community and place to live.
We hope that Mr. Bushnell decides not to move forward with a new development plan and abandons his deal to purchase the lot. If so, the neighbors of Hildreth Corner will work to try to come to terms with the owner, Archstone Builders, to secure the lot to conserve it permanently as open space for future generations. If we are unsuccessful in this, we will continue to monitor new proposals for development of this parcel to make sure that if it is developed, that it is appropriate and minimizes the effect on this corner and the historic district. In both cases, we will keep you informed with updates.
Again, thank you for your important contributions that made all the difference!
With sincere gratitude,
Friends of Hildreth Corner
** Update 11/17/21 **
We believe that the HDC will decide this matter at the HDC meeting this Thursday, November 18th at 7pm and we need your help! With your support, we think we can help provide the HDC the community support to deny the developer's application.
1. Join the 7pm HDC meeting this Thursday, November 18th, by zoom to voice your opposition to the revised plan (similar sized structure as original application - too big for this lot). We have been told it is impactful for the HDC to hear the public comments during the meeting - and if each of you join and speak in opposition, this will make a difference! Some points to raise: 1) the size of the structure developer is proposing is too large for this narrow lot and this will have a permanent detrimental impact on character and scenery of the historic corner; 2) given the size and narrowness of the lot there is no suitable location for a garage and a garage is not appropriate; 3) the proposed design, a modern, boxy house with garage in front, is not keeping with the nature of the architecture of this historic corner; and 4) to minimize the impact on Hildreth Corner, the size and scope of the proposed development needs to be significantly reduced by approximately 1/2 to 1/3rd. Here is the zoom link for Thursday:
2. Write an email to the HDC commissioners in opposition to the plans by sending comments echoing the points above to Heather Carey ( and Heather Gill ( in advance of the meeting.
We know that your time is super valuable but we think that with more attendance and more supporters in the community speaking up, the HDC will deny this application!
** Update 10/31/21**
Thanks to the overwhelming support of the Concord community, a majority of the members of the HDC at the October 7th HDC meeting rebuffed the developer's plans, noting that his proposed design was too large, inappropriate and would have a detrimental impact on Hildreth Corner and the character and architectural integrity of its historic houses. Unfortunately, the HDC granted, and the developer accepted, a continuance to the November 4th HDC meeting (this Thursday) where we believe he will present a revised development plan (he has yet to publicly disclose revisions). And so while we have won a minor battle, there is still much work to do to protect this historic corner of Concord.
What you can do!
1. Email both Mike Bushnell ( and Kim Comeau ( to urge them to reconsider the purchase and development of the lot. Bushnell has not purchased the lot - the purchase is contingent on receiving all building approvals and he can back out of this deal. Urge them both not to develop and to allow the neighbors to continue negotiations with the owner to conserve the lot as open space for the Concord community.
2. Attend the Thursday, November 4th HDC meeting and let your opposition be heard! The meeting will be held at 7pm by zoom at this link. It is the third matter on the agenda, and so will be heard promptly after 7pm.
3. Share the petition with others in the Concord community. The HDC specifically noted the 96 Concord residents who signed the petition and the wide community opposition to the development. This made an impact - the HDC stated they have never had this much community opposition to a project - and so the more we can do to continue building community opposition to the development, we give the HDC the support and tools to protect the history and scenery of Concord and Hildreth Corner.