Prevent bail for well known poachers

During the early morning hours of 26 November 2024 three stocktheft suspects was arrested close to Otjiwarongo while they were coming back with 3 heifers they killed on a farm in the Otavi district .
They confessed to the stocktheft and identified to more suspects that were operating with them during the night , according to them the 2 additional perpetrators were offloaded next to the road with the firearm that were used tk commit the heinous crime , both of these to as well as the other three has numerous stockteft and poaching cases pending as well as cases of escapefrom police custody . The names of the above suspects are Mario Oaseb , Richard Gurirab , Ruben Gaeseb , Given Geingob and Willemse Prenico
They are appearing for their bail application on Monday 20th January . I am urging as many people as possible to please sign this petition to oppose their bail application and keep them bhind bars untill they have been to trial and sentence has been passed.
These crimminals that are repeatedly apprehended has absolutely no respect for our laws and do not respect the values of a civilised community