Preston CT Residents for Electrical Utility Change
Paul Gencarelli 0

Preston CT Residents for Electrical Utility Change

41 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Paul Gencarelli 0 Comments
41 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

To Richard Blumenthal, George Jepsen and Preston town officials,

I am setting up this petition letter to inform you of my concerns and that of many residents of my town of Preston CT in reference to our electricity provider CL&P. Over the past 2 years CL&P has ignored our community on several instances when our power has gone out and has taken as long as 8 days to restore our service creating a hardship for us. I have spoken to our town selectman over the past few days about our situation and he recommended I write you to let you know that I along with other residents of Preston would like legislation changed so we my connect with our neighboring town of Norwich CT for our electricity needs. I was informed that we are only allowed to borrow 4 times our yearly income which is inadequate to purchase the infrastructure from CL&P. Something needs to be done to allow us to connect to Norwich's grid and no longer rely on a large monopoly like NorthEast Utilities to provide our service. Norwich had most of it's residents service restored by Wednesday afternoon. Groton Utilities also had most if not all of their customers restored within 2 days of the outage. This is a clear sign that CL&P has grown too large to adequately service our community in a timely manner. I would venture to say this is a kin to when Bell Telephone had grown too big and was forced to divide into smaller companies. Once Norwich Utilities had finished their repairs to their town they offered to assist CL&P with restoration of other towns but due to not having the right gloves to work on the Preston system they were sent to Ledyard CT instead of their closest neighbor Preston. This is clearly a minor problem that could have been rectified if CL&P had provided them with the gloves they needed to assist us. This clearly shows me they couldn't care less about our town and speaks volumes about how they see their customer. We are just a commodity, a paycheck to be collected. I believe we need to bring these jobs and services back to our local community to better serve Preston residents and our neighboring towns when severe weather strikes Connecticut. Please help us get back to the roots of our community to which our country was founded on. New England was built on the backs of the local residents helping each other while being self sufficient. Large corporations like NorthEast Utilities/CL&P have stock holder's that are taken care of first. While speaking with my selectman on the phone I could hear the CL&P representative in the background say when the selectman had asked him when they were going to work on my street say " that area is not a priority for us". This is how our local community is viewed to them and the company they represent. My selectman was not happy. Please find a way to let us disconnect from CL&P and connect with a local community like Norwich Public Utilities for more reliable service and support when our town is hit with a natural disaster. It would create more local jobs and provide better service to all in our community. Preston residents please sign this petition if you agree that change is needed and ask our senator and town officials to proactively look into getting our town off CL&P's service and onto a local provider for our power and service needs. Thank you, Paul Gencarelli 453 Route 164 Preston, CT 06365


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