
Hello all!
This petition is to bring a social tour called PressPlay to Jacksonville, Florida. I believe that PressPlay can come to this city and provide a great experience for all and still meet all of their requirements behind the scenes. I am mostly making this because I have never been to a PressPlay event before and the closest cities have been at least 3-4 hours away from where I live and I know that there are more people in a similar situation like me who can't travel that far for a PressPlay event but would like to attend one. Also, there are not very many tours or celebrities that make a stop in Jacksonville as many of them either go to Atlanta or Orlando or even Miami. So, it makes it up to someone living in South Georgia or North/Central Florida to travel a hefty distance for these shows. With the current state of teenagers in relation to their financial standings most of us probably have like 2 dollars and some spare change lying around and can't afford the needed travel expenses for these events. With this being said, we also have people who are willing to travel to Jacksonville that have attended a previous show such as PressPlay Orlando that may have lived in or a closer distance to Jacksonville. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you support this by signing the petition.
If you have any questions, please contact me through twitter @TylersPitcher, or for more formal and business related things my email is tylerspitcher@gmail.com