Catholic Charities Family and Community Services 0

Dear President Trump: 2020 Determination on Refugee Admissions

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Open Letter from the Faith Communities of Rochester, NY

Dear President Trump,

As faith leaders of Rochester, New York, we stand together to “Welcome the Stranger” and unite our voices as you consider the Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions.

We implore you to raise the number of refugees that will be allowed into our country for next fiscal year to 75,000. During this time of historic global levels of forcibly displaced people please consider our sincere desire to express compassion to the vulnerable as you set the ceiling on Refugee Admissions for next year.

Rochester, NY has a robust structure for welcoming refugees that utilizes the excellent medical, educational and employment opportunities available in our city. This structure of services and agencies are fully supported by our faith communities as we give both of our time and money. We are compelled to respond to this global crisis as an expression of our faith and are asking our government to enable us to continue this ministry.

Finally, we want to assure you that we are praying for you and others in positions of power and influence in our governments.


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