Preserving the Venice Creative Community

In an effort to preserve the arts character of Venice Beach, solutions are needed to keep artists from getting priced out of the city which they have largely shaped. A group of passionate community members in Venice is looking to persuade Councilman Bonin and Mayor Garcetti to support our efforts to bring PLACE, a national nonprofit, to Venice in order to explore the development of permanently affordable living and working spaces for Venice creatives.
As an organization, PLACE (Projects Linking Art, Community & Envionment) has a long, deep history of creating forward-thinking, sustainable communities that provide permanently affordable living and working space for artists and creatives of all incomes, ages, and disciplines. A great example is the WAV (Working Artists Ventura) community in Ventura, California.
By signing this petition, you will be telling the City Council, Mayor and others that you support the development of affordable space for Venice artists! Please sign, and please share. Thank you!
Helpful links:
The PLACE website | The PLACE Facebook page
For questions, or to join the grassroots organization behind this project, please contact Sandy Bleifer: Sandy@SandyBleifer.com