Youssef Khaled Abdel Kader 0

Preserving Our Children’s Safety

39 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Youssef Khaled Abdel Kader 0 Comments
39 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted all the AIS families over the past couple of months. We appreciate our school’s safety precautions; However, at this point it is not enough. Funerals after Funerals are announced due to COVID-two funerals were held last week for individuals the students know. Grandfathers are being hospitalized and the trend is that as soon as we return to school COVID cases start to emerge once more. We have not been in school for 2 weeks and already we have shut down the Juniors for the 3 weeks and a Grade 12 Student has tested positive. We as a community must vouch for our children’s safety, especially that there is a test in May that will decide their future. Signing this petition shows acceptance, approval, and advocacy to close down the school for the Seniors as well as other grade levels for their safety.

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