Congress: Don't Cut Life-saving Funding for the National Institutes of Health

We the undersigned, who include patients, scientists, health care providers, and supporters of medical research, implore you not to cut life-saving funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The nation’s health and economic vitality have benefited from the longstanding, bipartisan commitment to NIH-supported medical research at more than 3,000 medical schools, teaching hospitals, universities, and other research institutions in every state. Cutting NIH funding will immediately halt promising research on new approaches to diagnose, prevent, and treat disease while simultaneously eliminating jobs across the country as global competitors continue to invest aggressively in science to strengthen their own economies. Worse, it is a devastating blow to the millions of patients that rely every day on NIH for the possibility of a healthier tomorrow and to the next generation of promising U.S. scientists.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
For the health of the American people and the American economy, do not cut funding for the National Institutes of Health.
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