Preserve the 2nd Amendment
I am writing you today to
remind you of your sworn oath to defend and protect the constitution of the
United States of America. This includes the 2nd amendment to that constitution.
As a elected official I urge you to defend our constitution from those that
wish to destroy it. The events that took place in Connecticut are tragic and
took an emotional toll on this nation, but do not let this senseless act vilify
law abiding citizens who own guns. If we allow for the 2nd amendment to be
changed then we have no respect for that constitution or what it stands for.
Banning rifles that are considered by uneducated and misinformed people as
“assault weapons” only weakens the foundation of our constitution, the
foundation in which this country was created for and what our forefathers
wanted for this great nation. You have an opportunity to support, strengthen
and defend the principles that the United States has stood for over the past
235 years. To do otherwise will only divide this country in ways that can only
cripple it further. Our constitution was created in a way that all the original
amendments to the constitution support one another, there was a reason that the
fathers of our nation did this, so that tyranny cannot and will not overcome or
destroy the nation that they created for you and I. Over the course of the
history of the United States the 2nd Amendment has protected its citizens from
the threat of invasion by the Japanese during World War II and prevented the
British from retaking the colonies during the War of 1812. It has protected
citizens and helped them defend their families and property on countless
occasions. Since the Bush era assault weapons ban was repealed gun crime in
this country has declined and death due to the use of firearms is one of the
lowest causes of death in the United States in violent acts of murder. Please
take the time to fully explore all the facts and statistics and do not rush to
judgment on any bill that you vote on that will directly impact the 2nd
amendment. Please do not let political pressure from anyone sway your vote
approving changes to the 2nd amendment. Please do defend and protect the
constitution of the United States of America.