Lisa Parker 0

Preserve Saltwater Recreation in Virginia!

244 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Lisa Parker 0 Comments
244 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Join the list of concerned Virginia citizens who want to see tougher restrictions placed on commercial oyster farming and aquaculture practices that are happening too close to residential areas and recreational waterways! The use of aquaculture cages to grow seed oysters for commercial harvesting in high-traffic areas found in many populated waterfront communities like Hampton Roads and elsewhere, poses a tremendous risk to a large population of boaters, wake boarders, skiers, paddle boarders, kayakers, fisherman and others who use the waterways for fun and recreation. The risk of injury to people, especially at lowering tides, is a real threat! And the economic impact of these operations could be devastating to waterfront properties, both in home values and tax values.

For example, the population of Hampton Roads is estimated at 1.75 million people. Add to that, the millions more that are tourists visiting the area each year. Needless to say, that's a lot of people on the waterways. The Virginia Marine Resources Commission manages water bottoms in public trust for the citizens of the Commonwealth. The purpose of this petition is to encourage state legislators and the VMRC to pass laws and regulations that prohibit commercial oyster farming in water bottoms that are within 500 feet of the shoreline in residential waterfront communities or in highly used recreational waters.

If you would like to add your name to the many people concerned about this issue and help change the laws to Protect and Preserve our Saltwater Recreation – please sign this petition today! Thank you for your support!

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