Preserve Arlington Park Neighborhood
Preserve Arlington Park Neighborhood
We, the undersigned, hereby declare our support to NOT increase density of the property located at 2750 Bahia Vista Street/ 1300 S. Tuttle Ave.
Each of us opposes, without reservation, the Developer's proposal to change the subject property's future land use classification to Multiple Family-High Density AND to rezone the property to the Residential Multiple-Family 7 (RMF-7) zone district.
RMF-7 Zoning is high density multi-family, allowing for 50 dwelling units per acre and up to 180 feet in height. If changed, this zoning will allow up to 233 dwelling units on this corner-directly adjacent to single family homes.
This unprecedented change would set the stage to allow for rezoning of other properties throughout the City which is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map.
We urge the City of Sarasota staff, Planning Board and the City Commissioners to follow existing law and be upstanding and trustworthy stewards of our community and, as trustees of this community to heed this Petition.
This High Density change does not provide affordable work force housing and will instead cause irreparable harm to neighboring residents, devaluate real estate, decrease existing residents' quality of life and cause increased traffic throughout our neighborhood streets.
Precedent:Today 2750 Bahia Vista, tomorrow ? This sets the stage for multiple properties in and surrounding Arlington Park Neighborhood to be rezoned Multi-Family high density which will bring thousands more cars into our neighborhood on a daily basis.