Who Should Replace Scalia? A Crusader Against Wall Street!

"We must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." -Louis Brandeis (US Supreme Court Justice 1916-1939). When that sentiment is taken into consideration, it becomes obvious who our next Supreme Court Justice should be. Preet Bharara! Preet currently holds the position of being the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. He was unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate for this position in 2009.
In this position, he prosecuted nearly 100 Wall Street executives, reached historic settlements and fines with the four largest banks in the nation, and closed multi billion dollar hedge funds. An attorney has an obligation to zealously represent his client. Preet's client is us and he has shown that he has the zeal to battle the enemy of our economy through these actions. He has shown that he is willing to fight against allowing the wealth of our nation to be concentrated in just a few hands.
But Preet did not stop there in zealously representing his client. He has said that "there is no prosecutor's office in the state that takes more seriously the responsibility to root out public corruption in Albany and anywhere else that we might find it, and I think our record speaks for itself."
And his record certainly does speak for itself! What does it say? It says he is not partisan and that he will prosecute you if you are a public servant enriching yourself off of the public coffers no matter how high or low of an office you hold. In that spirit, Preet has won convictions against two of the three leading men in New York State government. He obtained convictions against Sheldon Silver (NYS Speaker of the Assembly) and Dean Skelos (Senate Majority Leader) in a quest to clean up government in Albany. He also initiated an investigation into Governor Andrew Cuomo for ending the work of an anti-corruption commission.
There are many divisions between the people of this great country. However, we stand together in demanding that the cabal between a corrupt government and concentrated wealth must end. We stand together in demanding the restoration of a true democracy. The undersigned, being Democrats and Republicans and Independents, stand together in urging President Obama nominate Preet Bharara as our next Supreme Court Justice. We understand that democracy is not a spectator sport nd we will work together to earn consent from our United States Senate.