Preempt the coup before it happens

Whereas the Defense Authorization Act passed by the previous Congress in October 2006 enables the President, upon his own declaration of a public emergency, to seize control of National Guard units and station troops anywhere in the country without the consent of state or local authorities; Whereas a former National Security Advisor, in testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee this past February, described as a "plausible scenario" the administration's using a terrorist act within the United States as a pretext to expand the scope of conflict for U.S. forces in the Middle East; Whereas the National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive issued by the White House in May declares that the occurrence of a "catastrophic emergency" within the U.S. shall result in the effective overturning of the constitutional system of checks-and-balances and the concentration of government power in the executive branch; Whereas recent weeks have witnessed a series of abortive terror incidents on both sides of the Atlantic, apparently instigated at least in part by undercover operatives, and the reporting of which seems intended to heighten public fears out of proportion to the actual dangers posed to life and property; Whereas the administration persists in asserting, without substantiation, a link between armed groups in Iraq and the perpetrators of the attacks of September 11, 2001; Whereas this same administration resisted a truly independent investigation of the 9/11 attacks, leading to a 9/11 commission whose final report left numerous questions wholly unexamined, and before which the President and Vice President refused to submit sworn testimony, or even to permit any recording of what answers they did provide; Whereas the prime beneficiaries of a sucessfully executed terrorist act within the United States would be the proponents of expanded war in the Middle East and unchecked executive power at home; Whereas history presents numerous examples of governments manufacturing incidents to further agendas of war and expanded executive power; We call upon the United States Congress and the governments of the fifty states, in the name of their constitutents, to advise the administration that any terrorist incident within the United States will be promptly, fully, and independently investigated, with the constitutional system of checks-and-balances and states rights remaining fully in force; and further urge the repeal of the provisions of the 2006 Defense Appropriations Act which enable the President to deploy United States forces anywhere in the country for domestic policing purposes without the consent of state or local authorities; and that the questions persisting around the attacks of September 11, 2001 which the 9/11 Commission left unexamined be made the subject of a full and independent investigation.