Hear Us Now: Preeclampsia Awareness Month

NEW! We hit 2,500! Thank you for your immediate and overwhelming show of support! BUT please don’t stop signing this important petition. The more signatures we have, the louder our voice as we advocate for greater awareness, improved health care practices and more research directed to this terrible disorder of pregnancy.
The Preeclampsia Foundation needs your support! We are still working to secure signatures by December 31, 2011 in support of designating May as "Preeclampsia Awareness Month” on the National Health Observances Calendar. Thirteen states and cities have already officially recognized the month, and a national proclamation will allow the Foundation to further expand awareness, distribute educational information and enhance both patient and provider literacy about preeclampsia and related hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
Please sign our petition to demonstrate to Congress the large amount of interest and support there is for this cause.
We, the Undersigned, are declaring "Hear Us Now!" as we petition for preeclampsia's inclusion on the National Health Observances Calendar.
*Please note: After signing the petition, you will be directed to a donation page for iPetitions. You do NOT have to donate for your signature to register--just close the page.*